GNOME BitTorrent Downloader
A GNOME "mime-sink" for BitTorrent files. It's not meant to be an entire front-end, just a program that pops up when you "execute" the torrent files.
My final release is 0.0.32. The official BitTorrent 3.x Python interface limits what I can properly implement. A complete rewrite would be necessary for dramatic improvements. Fortunately, Transmission is managing to provide a modernized yet non-Azureus like client for GTK+.
For source tarballs or packages (hand-made Debian and alien-generated RPMs) visit the SourceForge files page.
Build Instructions
- Extract the archive.
- Check README to ensure you have all of the required dependencies installed. Unfortunately, the configure script is not too intelligent at the moment.
- ./configure
- make
- make install (as whatever user you need to be)
Contact Information
Paul Varga
PGP Public Key
Email Adress: null_and_void here at users dot sourceforge dot net